Our Manifesto

Community Rehabilition Centres

To develop and run community centres for mental, physical and spiritual rehabilitation.

India is soon racing towards being the most depressed nation and we as a community are growing more selfish and unaware of the needs of others around us. Emotional and physical abuse is rampant, and shockingly not limited to the poorer classes.

It is our aim to establish community wellness and rehabilitation centres where people of all walks and ages of life can come together and heal each other.

Age brings on a slower lifestyle that can be a huge shock to many people. The feeling of not contributing productively brings on several issues namely depression. Having your family and children lead busy lives does not help the loneliness.

At our centre, the elderly will play a role in educating and helping the young. The youth will be able to find solitude in a loving and caring atmosphere. Abused animals will be integrated into this process to heal and be healed.

We aim to create an ecosystem based on family values, where many activities and sessions conducted in these centres foster a natural healing environment. Affection combined with professional skills in these centres will nurture a process of society coming together to help each other.